Reflections on the New DNC Leadership

It was amazing to participate as a voting member of the DNC this weekend. We’re shaping the next generation of the party and re-engaging with America — fighting to keep the American Dream alive!

The DNC doesn’t have these elections very often — the last was 2017. As a new member all of this was a new experience. I met so many new amazing people from across the country in the caucus and council meetings and the conversations and happy hours in between. A lot of people had an agenda and were trying to move us to their preferred candidates. It felt like we all should as voters today — that we were being manipulated.

The process resulted in a beautifully diverse leadership team with a vision of how we build back and the experience to make it happen. I’m assuming that this is the first time ever that there are two Young Democrats in the nine officer positions. But we’re all going to have to work together and hold each other accountable if we’re going to be successful.

I think that transparency is important as an elected member of the DNC, so let me share who I voted for and a few reflections:

Chair: Ken Martin. Ken won on a single ballot with 246.5 of 428 votes.

I really struggled with this one. I had narrowed my choices to Ben Wikler and Ken Martin, but I hadn’t committed to either coming into Saturday. Both are excellent state party chairs and have their own strengths. I don’t think either of them are going to be the face of the party. (Sorry Ken and Ben!) They were sharing similar plans on broader investment in state parties, building 24/7 messaging command centers, and breaking out of traditional media. There is some nuance in the plans that caused some disagreement, but ultimately I voted for Ken because I believe he really understands how things at the DNC work and how to make his vision happen.

Treasurer: Virginia McGregor. Virginia won on a single ballot with 291 of 394 votes.

Secretary: Jason Rae. Jason won on a single ballot 338.5 of 408 votes.

National Finance Chair: Chris Korge. Chris won on a single ballot with 284 of 414 votes.

Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation: Reyna Walters-Morgan on all three ballots. Reyna won on the third ballot with 210 of 409 votes.

Reyna knows DNC Voter Protection work so well and this will be critically important in the coming years.

Vice Chair:
First ballot: Artie Blanco
Second ballot: Artie Blanco and Malcolm Kenyatta. Artie won on the second ballot with 223 of 401.
Third ballot: Malcolm Kenyatta and Kalyn Free. Malcolm won on the third ballot with 298 of 409; David Hogg also won with 214.5 of 409.

I found the three Vice Chairs positions difficult because there were so many truly amazing candidates running, and I hope we find a way to keep them involved. Walking in on Saturday I had decided that I wanted to support Artie and Malcolm, but I wasn’t sure where my third vote would go. I had a list of about eight folks I would’ve been thrilled with, but with candidates dropping out and endorsing each other I ended up voting for Kalyn in my third position on the final ballot. David Hogg probably had the largest public profile of any candidate in the race, and I hope his election can push us to better with younger voters that we’ve been losing.